Hi, I’m Jennie 

The girl behind the lens

Wife to my patient husband Steve, mum to two teenage girls, and owner of one wildly energetic Sprocker! 

I believe in fate, true love, and Karma. Driving is my therapy. Music is my escape. Family is my everything. 

Let’s start with a weird one…

I love true crime! Pretty much the darker the better. Give me a serial killer to binge and I’m happy as a clam. 

Saying that, I’m a total wimp for horror. Jump scares are not good for people! 

I’m a bit of a gym bod. I was a reluctant cardio addict before, but I’ve recently discovered lifting weights and now I’m hooked! I love snowboarding too, but after twenty years I still don’t seem to be getting any better (or cooler).

I LOVE to travel (I get seriously itchy feet if something isn't booked in). 

And I adore being by the sea. Honestly, I’m obsessed- any little gap in the diary, I’m making it happen! Sand between your toes, fish ‘n’ chips, a gorgeous little coastal Airbnb…what’s not to love?!

How did I get into photography? Well it all started at a family BBQ…

Music played, sausages sizzled, Corona glistened. And- in a life-changing ‘it just so happens’- my friend brought his camera along with him. 

And let me tell you, the photos he took of my daughter just blew me away. I so desperately wanted to take photos like that! The kind of photos that’d be loved, framed, poured over, passed down, and kept forever safe. 

I made it my secret ‘one day’ mission. And then a few weeks later (in another not-so-subtle nudge from fate), my friend told me he was selling his Canon Mark I.

Fast forward fifteen years, and I now have the best job in the world! I get to meet new people, learn new skills, travel the world, and make lifelong friends every time I go to work. I get to spend my days telling the most incredible stories. And best of all- I get to be a part of them.



By the sea, every chance I get

Driving, zoning out to tunes and plotting my next move

Safely on the ground, holding the bags

At home with my three favourite people

Editing (always editing!), usually glued to a true crime podcast

about you

You appreciate the finer things, and the simple things too. 

Tasty food, good company and good music. Happy memories in a beautiful home. 

You put yourself out there. Into conversations, new adventures, new experiences. You explore, you have fun. You live.

You value photos. For the beauty of them, the art of them. For the memories they keep. 

And you’re looking for a wedding photographer who’ll get you. Who’ll take the time to get you. 

Someone who’ll learn your love language, your in-jokes, your wonderfully-weird little quirks. Someone who’ll embrace all the things that make you different. And celebrate you for all that you are. 


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